This Man Went To Adopt A Shelter Dog But Was Instead Chosen By A Kitty

Have you ever went to a store with the clear intentions of exactly what you are buying, but end up with a bunch of other stuff instead? Yea…we’ve all been there and truth be told that is what makes life so darn interesting.

This man innocently claims that he has always been a “dog person” and he was only looking to adopt a dog. He went to his local animal shelter with the intentions of bringing home a dog; however, when he arrived he was surprised to find that no dogs were available as they’ve all been adopted! There was however one kitty, named Marbles, who was in a cage at the back of the room and the woman there said she was available.

“I opened the cage, picked her up and that was it. She started meowing the most pathetic little chirps as she pushed her face to the brim of my cap (this is when they got the picture), only to be backed by a rumble of purring. I turned into a huge sap,” he said.

“I didn’t like or ever want cats before this. Simply put; I shook my head with a nod of acceptance, put her back in the cage for a brief moment while I did the paperwork, and got ready to take her home. They didn’t have pups, but they did have my best bud. I was not a cat guy, but I guess you could say I’m a cat guy now.”

So he opened her cage and the kitten started meowing excitedly. He picked her up and Marbles pushed her face into the brim of his cap, his heart immediately melted. He adopted Marbles and soon changed her name to Barb. Thanks to the love and support of this man, Barb is now a beautiful, sweet and feisty kitty.

“She is definitely the matriarch of the household as she keeps all of the other creatures in check. A cuddler and purrer for sure. She still acts like a needy little kitten – loves all people.”

About six months after he adopted Barb, he went back and adopted Rupert the dog. They soon became inseparable friends and spend most of their time playing and snuggling each other.

“They are always playing or snuggling when they aren’t snuggled up to us.”

“Now Barbara and I are best buds accompanied by my pup, Rupert, along with my girlfriend and her two cats, Bruce and Joe. It’s a good life.”

It has been three years since he adopted Barb and we wish them the very best!

An empty animal shelter, that’s the kind we like the best!