Cat Hotel Supervisor Is Retiring After Seven Years of Employment

This hotel has a supervisor that has never missed a day of work in 7 years. This supervisor just so happens to be a cat. Her name is Matilda, and she is the supervisor cat at Algonquin Hotel in New York City.

The Algonquin Hotel has had cat supervisors since the early 1930s. It’s been tradition for over half a century. There’s also a tradition in what they have named the cat supervisors over the years. All male cats were named Hamlet, and all the female cat were named Matilda.

Matilda was even given an official title, and had her very own business cards. Her title was DirectFurr of Guest Relations.

She inspects the bags.Loves greeting guests.Office duties are her fave!Keeping guard for her next duty on her very own pedestal.

Cat naps are okayed under code of conduct.Keeping things tidy at the hotel.Making sure the employees are doing their job.

To say that Matilda has brought tons of smiles to her employees over there years, is an understatement.But, after 7 years of service, Matilda has decided to retire. She’ll live out her golden years in the home of a very loving staff member.

The hotel does already have a replacement ready to take over.His name is Hamlet, of course. And he is a rescue cat.

“During his tenure at Bideawee, little Hammy was quite the social butterfly, cozying up to anyone in his vicinity, making himself at home on your lap, keyboard, phone, shoulders or anywhere else he fancied. We know he will excel at his new gig,” the rescue said.

Happy retirement Matilda! And congrats on the new gig Hamlet! Share with friends!

Via iizcat